QBF Long-life Sidewall Belt to Facilitate Shenzhen Metrorail Construction!

Time:2024-05-29 14:56:26 Hits:

QBF has been focusing on offering fit-for-purpose solutions for bulk material handling in tunneling construction. As a major sidewall conveyor belt supplier for Shenzhen tunneling projects, QBF maintains over 60% market share. QBF is dedicated to offering full life cycle services from belt selection and manufacturing to installation guidance and commissioning during the project period.

Considering the working conditions and characteristics of the muck in this project, QBF sidewall belt is designed with cross rigidity to ensure belt stabilization in transverse direction and uses strengthened cleats to handle large-size rocks. Besides, the belt features anti-stick rubber to minimize material carryback and is configured with side blinkers to manage the materials with high water content. The belt is tailored to fit TBM operation and hence to facilitate the tunneling construction more efficiently.

Recently, the S400 B1800 ST2500 sidewall conveyor belt is being installed. QBF service team provides professional guidance in belt transportation, lifting, installation and splicing to guarantee the efficiency and safety.

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