QBF Promotes Yonggang Group Efficient and Green Production!

Time:2024-06-05 09:02:28 Hits:

QBF is specialized in long life sidewall conveyor belt and special quality conveyor belt, dedicated to offering comprehensive solutions to metallurgy industry all over the world.

Recently, QBF sidewall conveyor belt, fabric conveyor belt and dust suppression system are delivered to Yonggang Group and successfully installed and commissioned.

The sidewall conveyor belt is tailored to meet high elevation and steep incline applications. The sidewall conveyor belt features DIN standard rubber, European manufacturing workmanship, steel cord free zone and heavy duty cleats, which enables higher stability and longer service life.

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The feeding system also uses QBF fabric conveyor belt which is designed with high strength, excellent elasticity and impact resistance. The system consumes less energy with QBF fabric conveyor belt.

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To solve the problem of high dust concentration at the job site, QBF offers the dust suppression system. The dust suppression system and chute creates an enclosed space to suppress dust at the material transfer point. The dust concentration can be lowered by 80% after the suppression system is installed.

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