QBF Steep Incline Sidewall Conveyor Belt for TBM Tunneling !

Time:2024-08-16 15:06:41 Hits:

QBF has been focusing on European standard long life sidewall conveyor belting and belting for special applications. 

We have delivered the fit-for-purpose solutions for our customers in Japan, Germany, Russia, UAE and China for efficient tunneling construction. T

he market share of QBF sidewall conveyor belting for steep applications in tunneling is over 70% in China.   


QBF base belt features cross rigidity and free zone design to resist to deformation in the operating process. 

The cleat is specially designed and reinforced to deal with heavy load and impact. 

To reduce material spillage, the belt can be complete with PE side blinkers between the cleat and sidewall when handing materials with high water content. 

The belt is also characterized by excellent anti-stick performance to handle sticky materials, effectively reducing material carryback.  


QBF sidewall conveyor belt had been in service for 5 years (2016-2019) in Moscow metro construction and has been operating for over 5 years (2019-now) in Germany metro construction. 

We deliver higher quality, longer service life and lower maintenance cost to promote metro construction efficiently.  

We offer one-stop solutions of sidewall conveyor belting for efficient tunneling construction.

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